AkariXB v0.9 is out!

January 25, 2022

Today I’m releasing a new version of AkariXB, my Jabber/XMPP bot!

Setting up regular expressions with their replies

The main changes since v0.8 are:

  • Activities can be restricted to specific days of the week.
  • The categories side panel can now be resized.
  • Fixed issue with chat widget scrollbars sometimes getting stuck.
  • Added option to ignore SSL errors while connecting to XMPP server.

The source code for this release can be downloaded from linux-apps.com, part of the opendesktop.org network, and from AkariXB release archive at akarixb.nongnu.org.

The development repository is at gitlab.com/akarixb/akarixb-dev.

The main dependencies are Qt 5 and the QXMPP library.

AkariXB is available in the repositories of Mageia 6 and later, Rosa 2016.1 and Archlinux’s AUR. I hope it can be included in more GNU distributions soon. If you’re interested in having it in yours, just ask them 😉
