Getting there! Dianara v0.5 release

May 30, 2013

Today I released Dianara v0.5, my desktop application.

Dianara app, v0.5

The program is still far from being complete, but it can now be used for the basic tasks.

Current status

With this version you can configure your account, authorize Dianara to access it, browse the timeline (number of posts per page can be configured), post text-only messages (with some HTML formatting), interact with posts (like, comment, share, delete), see the list of people you follow, and follow new people.

There are also popup notifications when the timeline receives new posts, and there are some new tooltips in some places with additional information (try hovering the avatars and timestamps with your mouse).

Keep in mind that some of the buttons and other widgets are still placeholders with no real use at the moment (like the Messages tab).

Get it

You can get the code from, and hopefully we’ll see Dianara packaged for some GNU/linux distributions soon. For now, you can at least find it in Archlinux’s AUR.

Debian users might need some components from the experimental branch at this time. Check the INSTALL file for details.


Feedback is appreciated! Cheers!


Dianara v0.4 is out!

May 23, 2013

I’ve just released Dianara v0.4, as the first version.

The program is far (very far) from being usable, but I wanted to put a non-development version out there. But still, consider it a demo version.

Dianara's interface

You can get the code from

Keep in mind that a lot of the buttons and other widgets are placeholders with no real use at the moment.

What you can do is configure your account, authorize the program to access your account, see the last 20 posts in your timeline, post text-only messages (with some HTML formatting), and see the list of people you follow.


Dianara as a client

May 22, 2013

Hello there!

So Dianara is being turned into a client. Current version in gitorious can now post (with some text formatting), see the last 20 posts in your timeline (with number of comments, likes and shares, but not the comments themselves), and list the people you follow (not your followers, yet).

First step is to configure the account. The process is still a little rough, but it should be pretty straightforward:

  1. Enter your pump address (user@pumpserver.something), push the “Get Verifier” button.
  2. Your web browser opens up with the right address for your pump server, asking for authorization (you might need to log in first).
  3. After you authorize Dianara, you get a “token”, and a “Verification code“. Copy that verification code and paste it in Dianara’s account configuration window.
  4. Click on “Authorize Application“. A text should appear indicating that Dianara is authorized to access your data.
  5. Click “Save Details“.
  6. Profit!

Now your timeline should appear and you should be able to post.

Hopefully Dianara will be a semi-capable client once makes the switch to the system on June 1st.