
AkariXB is a bot for the Jabber/XMPP network, with a GUI.

It’s still a little rough, but it can already do many things, like (auto)joining MUC rooms and replying to commands. Several types of custom commands can be created, such as static replies, random replies from a list or a text file, keyword-based replies (dictionary-like) or running a local program and using its output as a reply.

Adding a custom command

Adding a custom command

Check out the AkariXB category on this blog for more information.

You can get the code for the latest stable release from linux-apps.com (previously qt-apps.org, part of opendesktop.org) or at AkariXB’s release archive at akarixb.nongnu.org. The development repository is at gitlab.com/akarixb/akarixb-dev.

Some GNU distributions are already packaging it, too! Big thanks to those packagers!

Feedback is welcome, and if you have any questions, go ahead and ask in the comments or contact me on Pump.io.

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