Dianara, a Diaspora client

January 9, 2012

I’ve started developing a new program.
This time it’s a Diaspora client, an application for GNU/linux that will allow users to manage their Diaspora accounts without the need to use a web browser.

September 2013 update: Dianara has been turned into a client for the pump.io social network, a powerful system that can be considered an evolution of StatusNet, which includes identi.ca and many other servers. Read more about current Dianara status here: https://jancoding.wordpress.com/dianara/

Dianara, an application to use the Diaspora social network

At the moment, it’s basically an empty shell. The only thing you can do, is enter your Diaspora ID (username@podname) and password, and see how your avatar and full name are fetched from your account information.

Diaspora‘s API is not ready to use yet, so there’s not much that can be done at the moment. Meanwhile, I’ll keep improving the interface, and the little network control there is now.

The code is, as usual, in Gitorious, at http://gitorious.org/dianara

It is, like my other projects, based on Qt, and as an aditional dependency, QJSON. It also supports FreeDesktop.org notifications, so you get nice notifications in KDE Plasma Desktop, Gnome, XFCE and other environments which support that specification.