This time a game: Auralquiz

February 17, 2011

Time for a new project. This time it’s a simple game, a music quiz.

This is the temporary initial screen. The current logo is basically a ripoff of one of the mime-type Oxygen icons, by Nuno Pinheiro and the Oxygen team.
Actually, I haven’t asked yet if this is OK, but I guess it will be 🙂


The idea behind the game is not new, but what I’ve seen available for GNU/Linux is either old, GTK-based, or just an Amarok script.

The game plays short pieces of music files from the player’s folders, and presents a question and several answers about the current song. The fastest the answer, the more points the player receives.

Auralquiz will be a full application, and hopefully, with several game modes, multiplayer mode, etc. It is based on Qt and Phonon.

As with my other projects, you can get the source at Gitorious:

So… StressItOut is not forgotten

February 4, 2011

Last time I introduced a new program, DukeTrayem, as a fun side-project, but StressItOut, the burn/test application has seen several improvements since the previous blog post, which haven’t been explained.

– There is a new “view” menu which allow setting full screen mode.
– Translations to spanish and catalan languages are provided.
– The CPU load test is now real, with a configurable number of threads.
– The Optical drives test is basically complete.
– The memory test needs to be converted to using threads too, and more patterns, etc, but it has evolved, too.
– Better logging.
– Duration of the test can finally be set in hours and minutes.
– More minor fixes everywhere, and probably other things I’m forgetting 🙂

I also recorded a video. It’s uploaded, for now, to Youtube. I’ll upload it to soon too.

And the mandatory updated screenshot:

StressItOut v0.0.013

If you try it, remember: feedback is very welcome! 🙂