Dianara’s progress

February 8, 2012

With Auralquiz 0.8 out the door, I’ve now turned my attention back to Dianara, my Diaspora app, for a while.

There’s a lot more API available now, so Dianara can fetch the first page (15 posts) of your public timeline, and display it.

A picture is worth more than a thousand words, they say:

Dianara, a Diaspora app, rendering some Markdown

Colors are just my system configuration 🙂

There is some basic Markdown rendering (bold, italic, and headers), and basic information about the post: Author, creation time, number of likes, number of comments, and, if it’s a reshare, the name of the original post’s author.

There is no OAuth authentication yet, so it is not possible to see your stream, aspects, contacts… well, anything not public.
In the Account dialog, the “access token” field can be filled with anything, it’s not used at this time. But hopefully soon!

Auralquiz v0.8 released!!

February 3, 2012

A new Auralquiz version, 0.8!

Changes since v0.7:

– Added Czech translation, thanks to Pavel Fric.
– Added manpage, thanks to Dean Evans.
– Better song shuffling.
– Show progress bar while analyzing music.
– Reworked ranking with basic statistics.
– Fixed bug with 4-button-mode and very long titles/artist names.
– Other small fixes.

I also want to use this post to send a big “thank you!” to everyone who translated, packaged or beta-tested Auralquiz. Thank you, you rock!!

You can get it from Qt-apps, here:
