Dianara v1.2.1 released!

Not that long after Dianara 1.2.0 was released (I told you!), here’s v1.2.1! As planned, this is a smaller release, completing some features which were half-baked on the previous release, and therefore disabled, and adding a few smaller details.

Mandatory screenshot (as always, color configuration comes from my desktop configuration):


The main feature for this release is the audio and video uploading capability, which was disabled for 1.2.0 due to incomplete parts. Now it’s enabled and tested, and there’s also the possibility of uploading generic files, like PDF’s or whatever. There is an upload progress bar, used also when uploading images, so there’s that 😉

There’s, however, a catch: Pump.io’s web interface does not recognize the ‘audio’, ‘video’ and ‘file’ types of post, and neither do most of the other Pump.io clients at this point, so keep in mind that for now, most of your contacts won’t see your uploaded audios or videos. They’ll still see the post title and contents, though. Consider this feature ‘experimental’ for now and go easy on the servers 😉

Also, while posting an audio or video file to just a few people, or all followers will work (as long as their clients supports it), downloading a generic file will only work for contacts in your same server, unless the post is public (see Pump.io issue #1014).


Looking at other things, we have the new –config command line parameter.  Running a command (from the command line, or a launcher, etc) like “dianara –config secondaccount” will run Dianara with a different configuration, so you can run 2 (or 3, 4…) instances of Dianara, even at once, with different configurations. Different accounts, different colors, different window sizes, etc. There is a new option to use your avatar or a custom icon for the system tray icon, so 2 instances running simultaneously can have different icons too.



Most of the changes since v1.2.0:

  • Upload of other media types (audio, video, misc files).
    Keep in mind that most people won’t be able to see these at the moment!
    (Related Pump.io issue: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/issues/1014)
  • Nicer download of media attachments.
  • New –config command line parameter, to use a different configuration on startup.
    Using this, you can run 2 or 3 instances of Dianara for different accounts. Check the README file for examples.
  • System tray icon can be configured to show your avatar, or a custom image.
  • Added an optional toolbar.
  • Added some widgets to the status bar.
  • Avatar button gets highlighted when hovering, to make it more obvious.
  • New messages are highlighted with a gradient on the right side. This uses the “selected text” color from your environment colors.
  • Added partial german translation, by Emvigo.
  • Some minor fixes.


Dianara 1.2.1 is available in English, Catalan, Spanish and Italian languages. Partial German translation is included. There is a Polish translation in the works, but not included yet.

Translators would be welcome to translate it to more languages 😉

Get it

Dianara is available in the repositories of several GNU/linux distributions. At this time, at least Debian Testing/Sid, Mageia 4, Chakra, Ubuntu 13.10/14.04, KaosX and openSUSE Factory. Thanks to all the great packagers who make this possible! 😉

You can find Fedora packages at Metal Biker’s repo (who also translated it to Italian!).

You can also find Dianara in Archlinux’s AUR, and there is a Gentoo ebuild.

Also, a fellow pumper, LuisGF, has been able to provide builds of Dianara for MSwindows.


You can get the code from Qt-apps.org: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Dianara?content=148103.

Check the INSTALL file for details on how to build it and the necessary dependencies.


Cheers! o/

One Response to Dianara v1.2.1 released!

  1. […] Most of the changes since v1.2.1: […]

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