
Auralquiz is a simple music quiz game for GNU/Linux, using your own music files. It is free software (as in freedom, as well as in price).


The game plays short pieces of music files from your folders (in Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Opus or MP3 formats), and presents a question and several answers about the current song. The fastest the answer, the more points you receive.

Up to 8 people can play in a turn-based mode.

In the highest difficulty level there are no answer buttons, and instead, you have to type the answer yourself.




On the technical side, it is based on Qt, Phonon and TagLib.

See an old version in action in this screencast [YouTube].
Also on

You can get the source for the latest stable version from (old, here: or from GNU Savannah, here:

Or you can get the current development source at

Or clone it directly using Git:

$ git clone

(Keep in mind that the development version might not be stable)

You can report bugs at the issue tracker:


Read the original anouncement for the game.

As of May 2017, the game (version 1.0.0) is mostly complete, although there a few more options and details I want to add at some point.

You can see all posts related to this game in the Auralquiz category.


It’s available in official Mageia 3, and later repositories,  Slackware, Debian Wheezy and later, Archlinux’s AUR, Ubuntu and other GNU/linux distributions. Huge thanks to the packagers!

Older downloads:

Somebody made packages for Mandriva, here. Thanks, Symbianflo!

26 Responses to Auralquiz

  1. Timbo Neko says:

    What a sweet piece of software!

    I compiled it today from git under Debian Wheezy/testing on amd64. Since i don’t use KDE, i expected some trouble. But no…

    The required packages are named libqt4-dev, libphonon-dev and libtag1-dev. It compiled so fast that i couldn’t believe it succeded.

    The binary started OK, but didn’t play any sound. Output in the terminal hinted me at Installing phonon and phonon-backend-gstreamer. Beautiful game!

    • JanKusanagi says:

      Glad you like it! 🙂

      It’s also nice to see you didn’t have any problems compiling it or running it in a non-kde environment. I’ll add some of your feedback to the README, it should help Gnome/XFCE users.


  2. I love the idea – but alas it doesn’t work here (0.8.1, Debian Sid, KDE SC 4.7.4). In the 1st question I can choose from the answers but have no sound. So I just click one of the buttons. Then I hear a short music sample for question 2, can answer it – and for question 3 there is no sound plus greyed out answer buttons. So I can only quit.

    • JanKusanagi says:

      Thanks for the feedback!

      I’ve been notified about similar issues from people using the Phonon-GStreamer backend. Do you know which one you’re using? Try using Phonon-VLC backend as your primary backend, if you can, and see if it works better that way.

  3. As I can let you know the translation into Galician (gl)?
    Available in:

  4. Yosua Wisnu says:

    Great game, alas in my linux mint the music is not playing, not before after I clicked end game, any solution to this?

    • JanKusanagi says:

      I guess you have the phonon-gstreamer backend, and for various reasons Auralquiz does not work right with it. You can install the phonon-vlc backend, and set it as the primary one.
      If you don’t use the KDE Plasma Desktop, you might need to uninstall phonon-gstreamer to make phonon-vlc active.

      Let me know if this works! Cheers!

      • Yosua Wisnu says:

        Yes Jan it’s working perfectly!, uninstall phonon-gstreamer and install phonon-vlc backend.
        I’ll be happy to help you translate it in Indonesian, of course if you need to.

        • JanKusanagi says:

          I’m glad that fixed the problem for you 😉

          As for the translation, feel free to do it, I’d be happy to add it. If you need help on how to create the translation, let me know!

  5. svergeylen says:

    Hello ! I just tried Auralquiaa and it i very nice. BUT, the mp3 are stopping playing after 1 second… and the countdown continues… but without any sound.
    It is possible to get more than 1 second of playing ? Otherwise it is not uable 😦
    I installed on Ubuntu 16.04 from the repo… can you correct the bug pleaaaase ?
    Thank you !

    • JanKusanagi says:


      Well, the point is that you only get a short piece of the file as a clue, then the sound stops.

      However, 1 second is not right. You should get a few more seconds, depending on difficulty level.

      Your problem might be related to the Phonon backend. Phonon is the technology used by Auralquiz to play sound files.
      The available backends are usually “phonon-vlc” and “phonon-gstreamer”.
      You might be using the Phonon-GStreamer backend, with has some issues. If so, uninstalling it and installing the Phonon-VLC backend instead might help.

      I’ll release v0.9.0 soon, which includes some fixes. That might also help.

      Thanks for the feedback! =)

  6. Gr33 says:

    Can i run AuralQuiz for Windows 8.1? If there no Windows version, can you build it for Windows? Thanks!

    • JanKusanagi says:

      I’m sorry, I don’t have the means to build it for MSwindows, as I don’t use it.

      It should be possible to build it though, so it’s something you might try, or maybe you could ask someone with experience building Qt-based software for that platform.

Care to give some feedback?